tisdag 10 januari 2023

Leger vs. Battleships (Amiga)

There is nothing particularly wrong with Battleships.

Being a digital 1987 version of the analogue (sometimes digital) board game it does exactly what it sets out to do.

With some added touches of fancy graphics, speech and a quite odd multi player system alongside the ordinary single or two player mode battling it out against a simple ai or a friend acting as the enemy.

Oh, and the choice of letting each non sunk ship giving the player four shots to add to the total instead of just having four shots each turn.

Having six ships to place on the grid, each one occupying up to six blocks in some Tetris looking shapes, there is nothing more to it than placing the ships and then taking turns trying to do some sinking and watching cannons, birds and projectiles in action while doing so.

All good, the presentations is sound (except the not so inspiring title theme) but concerning longevity it comes down to your love of Battleshipping.

Me, myself and I feels somewhat full of it after a couple of rounds and besides some occasional toe dipping in the water every tenth year or so, just to reach the conclusion that a sufficient presentation in itself is not equal to a not insufficient package, there is not much more to it.

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